Thursday, May 3, 2007


It only took 2.5 years to have little Avery baptized. But we are very happy to have waited and to have had the girls baptized together. Uncle Danny and Aunt Allison were chosen for Avery's godparents. They have loved that little girl so very much from the second they saw her (and really before that) so it was a no-brainer. And she loves them just as much. It is really sweet to watch her crawl up into her Godfather's lap and drink her milk. Or to go over to her Godmother, put her arms in the air and ask to be picked up and held. She kind of milk's the attention she gets from them. Danny and Allison have the ability to put a smile on her face in the fowlest of her moods by just calling her name. I only wish I had that power!

And our good friends, Matt and Kelly Yale were picked to be Emerson's Godparents. The four of us (the Yale's, Greg and I) clicked from the first night we hung out and it has been like that ever since. They are two of the nicest, generous, most genuine (and FUN!) good-hearted people you will ever meet. And their connection with Emerson made that choice an easy one. Their love for Emerson is about as special as they come. Kelly is the sister I have never had and I thank the heavens every day for putting her in my life. It is an honor to have them become more than just friends.

The whole day was very special and was celebrated with my parents as well as the Slocums (Julie, Ashley and Cole) who drove down here from Chapel Hill to spend this day with us. It fills our hearts to know that there is so much love in our girl's lives. And they love them all right back. Avery continually talks about her Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I can tell she is very happy to be able to see everyone so often. Neither Greg nor I had the luck of growing up surrounded with extended family and it means the world to us to give that gift to our children. Thank you to everyone to making the long awaited day such a great one!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yay Avery and Emmie!!
We were so happy to be a part of your big day! You both looked so gorgeous. We always enjoy being around your family! You two are such lucky girls!
We are so lucky to be Emmie's Godparents and to be part of your family!