Monday, April 28, 2008

February? Is that really the last time I have been on here? I just don't know where the time goes any more. Between this house, two kids and many hobbies I just don't have any time to finish it all. I look around and see thing after thing that needs accomplished. Updates on the house: the keeping room is done, wallpaper down, walls repaired and painted and new furniture placed. New rocking chairs on the front porch, Avery's room is no longer pink and brown but rather blue and brown. Did I mention her obsession with Spiderman?

But the best part, we are currently (literally) taking off the door jam to make way for our bar that is going into the basement. WOO HOO. We are going for a very 70's lounge area down there. I can't wait. While Greg was gone for the weekend I surprised him by painting the walls so we can't wait to get the bar installed, pictures hung and drinks mixed. Hopefully one day I will have a blog devoted to the new interior rooms! Until then, you will have to accept pictures of my everyday subjects:

(there are horses, a deer and a red tail hawk in one shot)

Our neighbors

We have a family of 10 deer that live among us

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